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Let's talk about it podcast: How to talk to your daughter about periods


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00:00:04 Welcome to the Let's Talk About It Podcast
00:00:07 brought to you by Laha
00:00:11 Laha is an open online platform where women and girls can get information about
00:00:17 their health, well-being, and safety.
00:00:23 Please remember, all content provided on the platform is based on scientific knowledge
00:00:28 for educational purposes only
00:00:31 It is not intended to be a substitute
00:00:34 for professional medical advice or treatment
00:00:40 My name is Mariam, and today we're diving into a topic
00:00:44 that's a big part of every girls' journey
00:00:46 getting your period
00:00:56 Periods, also called menstruation come with big changes for a girl
00:01:00 in terms of her body, her emotions and in some cultures
00:01:04 how she is viewed in her family and community
00:01:08 How a girl feels about her period is often influenced by how others talk about it
00:01:14 and respond when she gets it
00:01:16 As a mother who went through this experience
00:01:19 you may have a lot of different feelings about the memory of getting your period
00:01:24 and what it meant for you and your life
00:01:26 You may remember how your mother sisters,aunties talked about periods
00:01:32 and how they responded when you first got yours
00:01:35 Maybe this was a good experienceor maybe it was not
00:01:39 or maybe no one talked to you about it and you were left to figure it out on your own
00:01:43 Whatever your experience was
00:01:46 you're here because you want your daughter to have a good experience
00:01:51 Having a conversation with your daughter about her period
00:01:54 can help prepare her and shape how she feels about it
00:01:58 You have an important opportunity to lessen any shame
00:02:02 or embarrassment your daughter may feel about getting her period
00:02:06 You can do this by using accurate but simple explanations
00:02:10 using a positive view, and staying open and curious about your daughter's questions
00:02:16 Your words and your tone will really matter
00:02:19 Doing all of this can help your daughter to feel more comfortable, confident
00:02:24 less worried and scared, and maybe even appreciate her period
00:02:29 How a girl feels about her period is also related
00:02:33 to how she feels about her body overall
00:02:36 especially during puberty
00:02:38 So you are also helping your daughter
00:02:40 longer term to have a positive relationship with her body
00:02:45 Now that we are all set, let's dive into a real conversation
00:02:50 between a mom and her daughter
00:02:52 Listening to how they talk about periods
00:02:55 can give you some ideas on how to approach this topic
00:02:58 with your own daughter
00:02:59 or if you're the one with questions
00:03:02 it might help youunderstand things a little better
00:03:05 Let's start
00:03:07 Mom:
00:03:09 Hey, dear
00:03:10 Can we have a little chat?
00:03:12 There's something really important I want to talk to you about
00:03:15 Daughter:
00:03:16 Sure, Mom What's up?
00:03:18 Mom:
00:03:20 Have you heard of something called a period?
00:03:22 Daughter:
00:03:24 Yeah, I think so Isn't that when girls bleed?
00:03:28 Mom:
00:03:30 Exactly
00:03:31 Getting your period is a normal part of growing up
00:03:34 and it's actually a sign
00:03:36 that your body is healthy and working just as it should
00:03:40 It might sound a bit scary
00:03:42 but it's nothing to be afraid of
00:03:44 Want me to explain a bit more?
00:03:47 Daughter:
00:03:49 Yeah, I guess so
00:03:51 Why does it happen?
00:03:53 Mom:
00:03:54 Great question
00:03:56 So your period is part of something called the menstrual cycle
00:04:00 It's how women's bodies naturally prepare for pregnancy
00:04:04 But that doesn't mean you're going to have a baby
00:04:06 It just means your body is capable of it
00:04:10 Daughter:
00:04:11 Oh, I see
00:04:12 So what exactly happens?
00:04:15 Mom:
00:04:17 Well
00:04:17 inside your body, you have two important parts
00:04:20 called ovaries and the uterus.
00:04:22 Every month, your ovaries release an egg, which is one of the parts needed to make a baby
00:04:28 At the same time, your uterus starts to get thicker
00:04:31 kind of like making a cozy bed in case a baby is going to grow there
00:04:37 Daughter:
00:04:38 But what if there's no baby?
00:04:41 Mom:
00:04:42 Good question.
00:04:44 If there's no baby, your body doesn't need that extra padding in your uterus
00:04:48 so it releases it, and that comes out as blood through your vagina
00:04:53 That's what a period is, just your body's way of staying balanced and healthy
00:04:58 Pretty amazing, right?
00:05:01 Daughter:
00:05:03 Yeah, it is, but like
00:05:05 what do I do when it happens?
00:05:08 Mom:
00:05:09 There are a lot of ways to manage the blood that comes out
00:05:13 There are things called pads, tampons, cups
00:05:17 and even special underwear
00:05:19 When the time comes I'll show you how to use them
00:05:22 and you can decide what feels right for you
00:05:26 Daughter:
00:05:28 Okay, that sounds good
00:05:30 Mom:
00:05:31 I know it's a lot to take in.
00:05:33 Just remember, your period is a normal and healthy part of growing up
00:05:38 It means your body is working as it should
00:05:41 Do you have any other questions about it?
00:05:44 Daughter:
00:05:45 Yeah
00:05:46 Why doesn't everyone have a period?
00:05:48 Like, my brother doesn't
00:05:50 Mom:
00:05:52 Another great question
00:05:54 Periods are part of female anatomy
00:05:57 so only people with certain body parts
00:06:00 like a uterus, get periods
00:06:02 That's why your brother doesn't have one
00:06:05 Daughter:
00:06:07 Got it. When will I get mine?
00:06:10 Mom:
00:06:11 Some girls get their period as early as 9 or 10
00:06:14 and others might get it later, around 14 or 15
00:06:18 There's no right age.
00:06:20 It's different for everyone.
00:06:22 Daughter:
00:06:24 How long does it last?
00:06:26 Mom:
00:06:27 It can vary.
00:06:28 Some girls' periods just last a few days
00:06:31 while others might have it for a week.
00:06:34 It might be shorter some months and longer in others as your body adjusts.
00:06:39 Daughter:
00:06:40 does it hurt?
00:06:42 Mom:
00:06:43 sometimes you might feel cramps or aches in your lower belly or back
00:06:48 before or during your period
00:06:50 Some girls feel a little nauseous, too
00:06:53 But if it ever gets too uncomfortable
00:06:55 you can always talk to me and we'll figure it out together.
00:06:59 Daughter:
00:07:01 How much blood comes out?
00:07:03 Mom:
00:07:04 Every person's period is different.
00:07:06 Some bleed more, some less.
00:07:08 It might be lighter some months and heavier others
00:07:12 especially when you first start
00:07:14 You all get to know your body, and ifyou ever feel worried, just let me know.
00:07:19 Daughter:
00:07:20 Mmm, Are there things I can't do when I have my period?
00:07:25 Mom:
00:07:26 Generally, you can do most of the things you usually do.
00:07:29 Sometimes you might feel a bit more tired or have some cramps
00:07:33 So, you might not feel like doing everything
00:07:36 Depending on what you use to absorb the blood
00:07:40 like if you're using pads, you might not want to swim.
00:07:43 But otherwise, your period shouldn't stop you from doing the things you love.
00:07:49 Daughter:
00:07:50 That's good to know.
00:07:52 Mom:
00:07:53 One last thing.
00:07:54 Sometimes when we talk about periods, you may then also have more questions
00:07:59 about pregnancy and how babies are made
00:08:03 If you ever have questions about that and want to talk about it
00:08:07 don't hesitate to ask
00:08:11 Daughter:
00:08:12 Okay.Thanks, Mom.
00:08:14 This was really helpful.
00:08:16 Mom:
00:08:18 I'm glad we talked.
00:08:19 Remember, I'm always here if you have any more questions, and no question you ask
00:08:25 is stupid or silly or embarrassing.
00:08:28 You're growing up, and that's something to celebrate.
00:08:41 Remember, these kinds of conversations can feel overwhelming or scary
00:08:46 for both you and your daughter.
00:08:49 Try to approach them as an opportunity for connection
00:08:53 and to deepen your relationship long term
00:08:56 It may feel uncomfortable for both of you, but by doing are showing your daughter
00:09:01 that you can sit with her in discomfort
00:09:04 that you are a source of important information for her
00:09:08 and that she can come to you when she has questions or concerns